Printed bulletins have been a mainstay for decades (maybe longer!), but there are easier, contactless, much cheaper ways to distributer sermon notes and announcements. Most churches are already doing this either through the Youversion Bible App or by some other method.
While adding your bulletin to the Youversion Bible App is an amazing and free integration into an app that your congregation probably already has on their phone, it's a separate set of instructions that you need to give your people.
Because people are so often overwhelmed by information from all directions, giving them less to remember has always been my goal. In fact, I prefer to be able to give our congregation just one location for everything. Whether it's sermon notes, sign ups, devotions, online services, or lessons, I've always worked towards having just one URL with no instructions needed.
For us, it's our main website. By visiting our main website address, people can easily see where to go and what to do next.
This is where FaithNotes comes in. FaithNotes is an online sermon notes platform for your congregation. Add your notes, create the blanks to fill in, and post. Your people simply visit the site, fill in the blanks, and add their own notes. They'll have the option to download a pdf of their notes, or have them sent to their email inbox.
On it's own, FaithNotes' features are simple, user-friendly and outstanding. It does exactly what you would expect an online note-taking tool to do.
But here's where it really shines: FaithNotes can then be embedded in your website or your church app ... or both! This means that you don't need to give your people any other instructions other than to go to your website (or open your church's app)!
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